[11/5/22] - The EPREL registration website now has search capability at https://eprel.ec.europa.eu/screen/product/lightsources
Luminus has registered products subject to the COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2019/2015 with regard to energy labelling of light sources.
Luminus products subject to (EU) 2019/2015:
- White Light COB Products
- Tunable White COB products
Luminus products not subject to (EU) 2019/2015:
- Products with CIEx, CIEy coordinates outside the envelope defined in Article 2 of the standard are exempt. This definition roughly correlates to the 7-step ANSI bins. White parts intended for general illumination are covered, all products with a color point outside the definition are exempt.
- SMD/SMT Products are exempt (all types including white parts)
- Coreboard Products are exempt (all types including white parts)
The regulation has numerous exemptions based on end use intentions enumerated in Annex IV. If you are designing a white light general illumination luminaire that will be sold in the EU, you are likely subject to registration. If the end use falls within the exemptions cited in the regulation - examples: light sources in battery-operated products, light sources for spectroscopy and photometric applications, ... - you are not subject to the regulation.
Luminus can provide EPREL registration numbers for parts covered by Regulation (EU) 2019/2015 on request. Send requests with (full) part numbers to techsupport@luminus.com. An example of a full part number link to the EPREL database is CLM-14-40-90-36-AC30-F4-3.
Note that the regulation only allows one registration at a single operating point. For example, the CLM-14-40-90-36-AC30-F4-3 above is energy class D in the registration file which corresponds to the production test current and temperature for this product. Underdriving the product can improve the energy class and driving at the maximum current rating can lower the energy class.
Luminus can provide support for our white products, such as our midpower white SMD product line, that are not subject to the regulation as individual components but once installed in a luminaire, the luminaire is subject to the regulation. We cannot register products exempt from the regulation but have the data needed to support luminaire designers predict the performance of the end product.
Luminus Website https://www.luminus.com/
Luminus Product Information (datasheets): https://www.luminus.com/products
Luminus Design Support (ray files, calculators, ecosystem items: [power supplies, lenses, heatsinks]): https://www.luminus.com/resources
Luminus Product Information sorted by Applications: https://www.luminus.com/applications
Where to buy Samples of Luminus LEDs: https://www.luminus.com/contact/wheretobuy.
Technical Support Contact Information: techsupport@luminus.com
Sales Support Contact Information: sales@luminus.com
Customer Service Support Contact Information: cs@luminus.com
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