This is a static notebook. You have to download or clone it to use it. This uses vanilla Jupyter Notebook commands so should be compatible with most notebook platforms.
Datalore is a cloud-based notebook platform developed by JetBrains. It has a convenient set of menu driven functions to manage the Python environment and store files needed by the notebook. The free version of Datalore has all the Python libraries in PyPI enabled as well as the ability to connect to private repos. The free community version has limits of the type and number of virtual machines you can run and allows 120 hours/month of basic machine time. This time is the time your browser is running a Datalore notebook in a tab, not the computation time when you click the run button so remember to close your browser tab when you are not actually working on a notebook.
This is a pretty simple notebook. It reads an SPD from an Excel file, plots a colorful SPD and CIE 1931 diagram, then calculates and displays the dominant, centroid, and peak wavelengths for that SPD.
You can download the Excel file (which is attached below), change the data to the SPD you are interested in, upload it to Datalore and run the notebook. Some screenshots are below.
Note - 9/6/23 Numpy version 1.20 depreciated the use of some type conversion alias commands such as np.complex and np.float so that code libraries that use these commands now have to update their code to maintain compatibility with Numpy. The last version of Numpy that is compatible with the current versions of Colour and Luxpy is numpy 1.19.5. Current versions of Pandas and Matplotlib both require numpy > 1.20, so to get this to work, change the versions as follows:
Numpy 1.19.5
Pandas 1.4.4
Matplotlib 3.6.3
This can be done in Datalore using the Environment tab to the left. Search for each package, click on it, and use the pull-down menu to select the version.
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